

1st blog post, wow. Well alright, here we go! Right now I (Amber) am sitting in a Starbucks Coffee shop. I just realized that my gold card is about to expire. But that’s ok. I am just here for free wifi anyway. :) One great perk about living in Asheville and traveling: FANTASTIC coffee shops. No more starbucks for this girl.  

Anyway, we are in Brentwood, TN for the day. We were in Atlanta yesterday and tomorrow we will be in Knoxville! *Phew* It’s been a busy week for us. And in between all of the traveling and scouring the internet for cheap hotels- I am starting a new business. Haha. I think I could of picked a better time, but I just can’t help myself. This business venture has been burning a hole in my heart for a while. (That sounds horrible) But it’s true! I have got to get this passion rolling. 

In short- The Wander Trees will be a traveling shop/blog, but more importantly it will be a community. Something I am so passionate about — thanks Mom and Dad. I love community. I love being a part of something and making others feel like they are a part of something too. This community will welcome all of you free spirits! Young at heart, travelers, makers, designers and of course, I hold a special spot in my heart for hikers. Anyone and everyone who desires to live a full life of creativity and adventure. If you are someone who can’t sit still, welcome to The Wander Trees. 

All for now- more to come.

Happy Trails,
