The Wander Trees 2.0

The Wander Trees has been on a long break since 2016. It’s messy and complicated. I’ll spare you the details and just say that sometimes you need to start over. So that’s what I’m doing here, folks. Welcome to The Wander Trees 2.0. 

The shop is stocked with printed goods and a few patches. You can find your favorite designs and some new ones! No t-shirts just yet. If we have a bunch of people ask for them, we will add them so let us know! 

I’ve come to realize that soul work is slow work. Naturally, I have grand plans, but I’m committed to slow, sustainable growth. Gah. It’s so not my style. I just want to jump into the deep end and DO IT ALL. However, I know from the past that it just ends in creative burn-out and nervous system overwhelm. All that to say, I hope you stick around to see what’s up. And I hope if you are feeling like starting over, you find what it takes to do it! 

If you are curious as to what happened to The Trees or if you are a newcomer, here is a brief recap story